While being in self isolated and staying at home as much as possible, I try to limit my grocery shopping to no more than once a week. This means that I am now buying more than I usually would at one time which requires a bit of planning in terms of how to use thingsContinue reading “How to store and freeze produce”
Category Archives: Articles
Grocery deliveries during COVID-19 – FoodShare deliveries
It has been six weeks since the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. How the world has changed since then. I realize how many things I took for granted – such as meeting up with friends for coffee or going window shopping. But, I have to say that I have adjusted quite wellContinue reading “Grocery deliveries during COVID-19 – FoodShare deliveries”
Beyond Meat – is it healthy?
There has been a lot of talk about the Beyond Burger lately. It’s a plant-based protein that has been designed to look, feel and taste very similar to beef. I am not a big fan of vegetarian burgers but after seeing the Beyond Burger at A&W, Tim Horton’s, in grocery stores (and on advertisements onContinue reading “Beyond Meat – is it healthy?”
Tour de Dufflet using Bikeshare
Last year, I heard about something called Tour de Dufflet where you cycle to the various Dufflet locations and enjoy tasty treats along the way. Seeing that this is an annual event that combines two of my favourite things – cycling and dessert, how could I say no? Tour de Dufflet runs every year duringContinue reading “Tour de Dufflet using Bikeshare”
An update – where have I been?
It has been a l-o-n-g time since I last wrote on my blog on a regular basis. Rest assured, I am still here but I’ve been on quite a journey over the past few years. The last time I wrote about culinary school I was taking classes at night while working full-time in the industryContinue reading “An update – where have I been?”
What is vinegar?
The word vinegar comes form the French term “vin aigre” which means sour wine. It’s made by fermenting alcohol which can come from a variety of sources – rice (used to make rice wine), fruits such as apples (used to make apple cider) and grapes (used to make red wine, white wine and champagne) andContinue reading “What is vinegar?”
Celebrating the 2016 International Year of Pulses – Cooking with lentils workshop
Today I had the great fortune to attend the Hands-On Cooking Workshop with Canadian Lentils. I have been going this dietitian invite-only event for the past two years and every year I learn something new. This year, Chef Christine Farkas, Manager, Food Product & Culinary Innovation from Pulse Canada and Gloria Tsang, Vancouver-based dietitian andContinue reading “Celebrating the 2016 International Year of Pulses – Cooking with lentils workshop”
An update from culinary school
It has been awhile since I’ve had a chance to write on my blog which I miss terribly. But since enrolling in culinary school, and working in the industry, it feels like I’m constantly putting out fires (literally) which leaves little time for the finer things in life – like writing about food. I’m sureContinue reading “An update from culinary school”
Culinary school, here I come
I am going to culinary school! Yippee! This has been a l-o-n-g time coming. I actually wanted to go to culinary school after finishing my dietetics degree because food compliments nutrition so well. However, the timing wasn’t right (and I wasn’t ready). But this year I decided to finally take the plunge. One of theContinue reading “Culinary school, here I come”