Chocolate isn’t good for you after all

As a dietitian I keep hearing this questions time and time again – is chocolate good for you? Some common responses: Yes! Because it contains anti-oxidants. (This is true) No. Because chocolate contains a lot of fat and sugar. (This is also true) *sigh* I always find headlines like this exhausting because truth be told,Continue reading “Chocolate isn’t good for you after all”

My visit to a chocolate factory – ChocoSol Traders

In order to get more insight about how chocolate is made, I went to a chocolate making tour/workshop at ChocoSol Traders – a boutique, artisanal chocolate shop in Toronto. Chocolate comes from cacao trees which produce pods that hang from the trees and contain cocao seeds. The seeds (also called beans) are separated from theContinue reading “My visit to a chocolate factory – ChocoSol Traders”

chopping chocolate

Is chocolate good for you?

Dark chocolate often receives attention from a health standpoint because it contains flavonoids – antioxidants that have anti-inflammatory effects which can help lower blood pressure. This is good news for chocolate lovers everywhere but that doesn’t mean you can (or should) consume excessive amounts. There are so many types of chocolate available in the marketContinue reading “Is chocolate good for you?”