Taste tests

Taste tests

French fries: Deep fried vs. baked

French fries: Deep fried vs. baked

LisaApr 10, 20147 min read

Last month, I decided to have a ‘poutine party’. Well, it was really an Oscar party where one of the items on the menu was poutine so I decided to…

Cooking with lentils challenge

Cooking with lentils challenge

LisaApr 6, 20143 min read

After attending the Cooking with Lentils Workshop earlier this week I wanted to feed off the inspiration and try cooking a couple other lentil dishes to practice my new skill.…

Cooking with lentils workshop

Cooking with lentils workshop

LisaApr 4, 20142 min read

The other day, I had the great pleasure of attending a Cooking with Lentils Culinary Workshop sponsored by Canadian Lentils. Stephanie Clairmont from Demos for Dietitians facilitated the workshop at…

City Snacks - freeze dried pears

City Snacks – freeze dried fruit

LisaMar 24, 20142 min read

A Confessions of a Dietitian member brought this product to my attention. She loves snacking on fruit and saw City Snacks freeze dried fruit at her local grocery store. Unlike conventional dried…