

lava cake

Easy molten lava cakes

LisaFeb 20, 20223 min read

I remember how molten lava cakes were all the rage when they first came out – a chocolate cake that was set around the edges but still oozy in the…

chicken pot pie

Easy chicken pot pie

LisaFeb 15, 20223 min read

I remember the first time I attempted to make chicken pot pie. The recipe was way too complicated and I gave up half way through. It called for roasting bone-in…

blueberry scones

Blueberry scones

LisaFeb 13, 20222 min read

Over the winter break I tested a number of fruit scone recipes until I settled on one that was just right. Not too cakey, not too dense and not too…


The crepe class

LisaFeb 6, 20223 min read

I still remember the first time I taught how to make crepes in a kids cooking class. The thought of making crepes can be intimidating but with the right equipment,…