It’s also *not recommended* that people bake with Becel 64% Less. Becel Light is somewhere in between where you can bake with it in “most cases” but being the curious experimental bakers we are, we figured that we would test these out as well.
My theory:
The results of the initial Becel taste test indicated that most people could not taste the differences between the different types of Becels so I’m actually not expecting people to be able to taste the differences in the chocolate chip cookies we baked. However, I have a feeling that Becel 64% Less and Becel Light will be a pain to work with (since it’s not recommended) and the cookies will turn out awful (for some reason I envision runny, soggy cookies). I also think that the cookies made with Salt Free Becel will taste quite a bit different than the other ones. I made the mistake of forgetting to add salt when I baked cookies once and they tasted awful.
Here are all the different types of Becels we baked with:
Becel Original
Becel Omega-3 Plus
Becel with Bertolli Olive Oil
Becel Buttery Taste
Becel Vegan
Becel Light (half the calories of Becel Original)
Becel 64% Less (64% less calories, 67% less fat)
Becel Salt Free
Taste testers:
Please try each cookie and indicate if you can taste any flavour/texture differences between each sample. Is there one cookie that you prefer over the others?
The reveal:
Thank you for your comments everyone. Here are the results:
Cookie A: Becel Original (3 people’s favourite)
Cookie B: Becel Light (2 people’s favourite)
Cookie C: Becel Olive Oil (1 person’s favourite)
Cookie D: Becel Buttery Taste
Cookie E: Becel 64% Less (1 person’s favourite)
Cookie F: Becel Salt-Free (1 person’s favourite)
Cookie G: Becel Vegan
Cookie H: Becel Omega-3
Well this was pretty interesting. None of the cookies were particularly bad nor did they suffer in flavour (except the salt-free batch). The main difference was that some were chewier or crispier than others. Some were soft and spongy, whereas some were quite dry. So it really depends on what kind of cookie you prefer. Some taste testers had a strong preference for crispy cookies, others had a preference for softer cookies.
My Thoughts:
Woah .. thanks soooo much for the all the hassle you guys have been thru! They were extremely good and for someone who’s not really into sweets, it was definitely yummy!
At a first glance, cookie F is the most attractive with its rich golden color filled with lots of chocolate. The least attractive ones are B and E as the chocolates are covered and it seems pale.
A is the most soft, moist and tasty. That is my favourite (I like particularly enjoy the soft texture).
B is dry but still soft.
C is for crispy.
D is for really crispy!
E looks good but it’s not too exciting re flavour. Salt free Becel?
F is soft and crispy at the same time …. who thought that would be possible!
G : rich golden colour, rich taste but crispy. Buttery Becel?
H : the ultimate crispy chocolate chips cookie
I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between the different types of Becel. Can’t wait for the reveal! Thanks guys!
Thanks for all of your hard work ladies – the cookies were delicious!
I couldn’t really tell the difference between most of them. The ones that stood out for me were Cookie A – very moist and Cookie E – very spongy.
A – was super soft and moist (regular becel?)
B – was a little bit more dry
C – was crunchier
D – was really crunchy/crispy, looked darker (olive oil becel?)
E – was spongy, looked different as well (was this the 64% less one?)
F, G and H all sort of tasted the same to me (one of those could have been regular becel and the salt free becel?)
Thanks again!
A – soft, chocolate chips were not as visible for the presentation of the cookie (not visually appealing)
B – soft, same as above (not visually appealing)
C – slightly crunchy/crispy on the outside and softer in the centre (but not as soft as A&B)
D – not as soft as A&B but not crispy
E – not very visually appealing & chocolate chips not as visible. Doughy.
F – visually appealing. soft with slight crunch.
G – visually appealing. soft with slight crunch.
H – visually appealing. soft with slight crunch.
Favourite is C. Like others except A, B, E. Yuck!
A: not very crispy. don’t really like the texture of this one. not sure what this would be.
B: soft as well, not the best tasting. no grease at all left on the paper towel! maybe this is the light.
C: noticeably more crispy. spread a reasonable amount. olive oil? this is just a wild guess.
D: also crispy but didn’t spread as much as C. a bit more “flavourful” than G and H. maybe buttery?
E: soft, unappetizing looking. funny how the chocolate chips hide in the batter and don’t come to the surface. not much flavour or taste. salt-free? doesn’t cookie recipes call for salt? maybe this is salt-free because of the poor texture and appearance as well.
F: crispy, not very salty. less salt or salt-free? less salt i’ll guess.
G: crispy but not as much as C and D though. no idea which one.
H: crispy too. similar taste to G. no idea which one.
Thanks for the delicious goodies! Here are my thoughts, they were all very good, taste was very similar but the texture varied quite a bit from one to another.. Now I feel like I need a giant glass of milk! :p
A – soft, tasty but missing a little something compared to the others.
B – very soft, tasty but a little dry.
C – crispy and very greasy. but tasty.
D – also crispy, almost hard, not as greasy as C but still greasy compared to others. My least favorite.
E – not as tasty as the others but great texture (moist)!
F – My favorite.. I think! Crispy on the outside but soft on the inside. Tasty.. and delicious 🙂 .
G – Loaded with chocolate chips, seems unfair to compare to the others! A bit dry but very tasty.
H – Also a bit greasier than the others but smelled great. Crispy on the outside but not as moist on the inside as F. My second favorite.
Can’t wait to see the results!
A – dry
B – moister & chewy. nice
C – crunchy but has more flavour
D – dry
E – chewy & moist
F – crunchy
G – good
H – dry
Liked B,C, E & G but after a certain point I got lost in all the cookies! Like B and E best.
A: Slightly soft and chewy
B: Similar to A
C: Crispier
D: Crispier and very dry
E: Very soft. Almost too soft. I have a feeling this is the 64% Less Becel
F: Crispy, slightly dry, least flavourful. I am pretty sure this is the Salt-Free one. =)
G: Slightly chewy and dry
H: Crispy/slightly chewy
I think my favourites are cookie A and B which were both slightly soft and chewy. I couldn’t taste much of a difference between the two. The cookies I liked least were cookie E (too spongy) and cookie F (too bland). The other cookies were too crispy or dry for my taste – I prefer chewier cookies.